How Steril-Aire UVC Works for You
Why Choose Steril-Aire?Steril-Aire’s UVC Emitter® germicidal lamps work better and last longer. Independent testing proves that our UVC Emitter output is significantly higher than the competition at all temperatures.
Only Steril-Aire delivers:
- 3-4 times longer life: The Steril-Aire UVC Emitter has a 12-month service life — and even after a full year, it has 2-3 times greater output than competitive devices deliver on day one! As a result, only Steril-Aire can ensure the germicidal performance you need, with no return of microbial growth up to 4 times longer than the competition.
- Independently verified output: Steril-Aire has been independently tested to deliver an average of 6 times the output of other ultraviolet devices under HVAC operating conditions. The U.S. EPA/Department of Homeland Security reports that Steril-Aire UVC devices achieved 99.96 % destruction in a single pass on airborne bacteria, 99% on viruses and 96% on spores.
- A patented state-of-the-art solid state electronic power supply for enhanced reliability and performance.
- High performance construction, including stainless steel housings with high spectral aluminium reflectors, and thick-wall quartz tubes.
- A full array of lamp sizes and configurations to fit the widest range of applications — externally mounted, internally mounted, and portable.
- Complete technical and engineering support with in-house expertise in both HVAC technology and microbiology, delivering real science for clean air. Our patented installation ensures the germicidal performance.
The service life and germicidal effectiveness of UVC devices relate directly to how much output or intensity they deliver. There are many UVC products on the market today that claim to work just like Steril-Aire. In reviewing output claims, ensure results are based on independent testing in HVAC operating temperatures and conditions for the highest germicidal performance and efficacy.
UVC output (μW/cm2) vs. temperature for Steril-Aire UVC Emitter® germicidal lamps vs. standard industry germicidal lamps.
Output calculations should also be based on the UVC energy delivered to the face of the coil at the extreme position from the lamp after 12 months of operation. Steril-Aire has developed aUVC for HVAC® Application Standard to guide HVAC engineers, facility owners and managers in the best practice techniques for the application of UVC. In addition, Steril-Aire has created a tool to calculate the performance of the UV lamp system based on application, sizing and installation to maximize energy distribution and performance.
Never settle for less than Steril-Aire.
The first choice in UVC technology is still the best choice. Talk to your local, trained Steril-Aire distributor today.